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Calling on Congress to Redirect Military Spending to Domestic Priorities

WHEREAS, the League of United Latin American Citizens is this nation’s oldest and largest Latino organization, founded in Corpus Christi, Texas on February 17, 1929; and

WHEREAS, LULAC throughout its history has committed itself to the principles that Latinos have equal access to opportunities in employment, education, housing and healthcare; and

WHEREAS, the severity of the ongoing economic crisis has created budget shortfalls at all levels of government and requires us to re-examine our national spending priorities; and

WHEREAS, the people of the United States are collectively paying approximately $126 billion dollars per year to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan; and

WHEREAS, 6,024 members of the US armed forces have died in these wars, and at least 120,000 civilians have been killed since the coalition attacks began; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the League of United Latin American Citizens SUPPORTS efforts to speed up the ending of these wars; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the League of United Latin American Citizens call on the U.S. CONGRESS to bring these war dollars home to meet vital human needs, jobs, rebuild our infrastructure, our education system, and develop a new economy based upon renewable, sustainable energy.

Approved this 1st day of July 2011.

Margaret Moran
LULAC National President