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Norma Fuentes

CEO and President, GPS Leadership Solutions LLC

Norma Fuentes

Panel Information

Wednesday, July 27

8:30 AM EST

How to Build a Network that Will Support Your Personal and Professional Goals

Having a strong and powerful network can mean the difference between having an influential coalition of leaders supporting your programs, and those same programs wither away from a lack of support. But, unfortunately, that’s not all. A strong network can mean the difference between being offered your dream job and continuing to remain invisible when upward opportunities arise. So why don’t most government employees effectively leverage their network to overcome challenges and advance in their careers? It’s because most of them believe that networking is too hard, not their style, not moral/ethical, or a host of other false beliefs. But you don’t have to be like most people. Alex D. Tremble’s C4 Strategic Networking Model will provide you with the skills needed to develop authentic, sustainable, and mutually beneficial relationships with eaders at any level of the organization.

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