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Jessica Mejía

Senior Advisor for Community Engagement at the U.S. Department of the Treasury

Jessica Mejía is the Senior Advisor for Community Engagement at the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In her role, she helps civil rights and advocacy groups, private sector, and stakeholders engage directly with the Treasury Department and its senior staff and policy offices. She previously served on the Biden-Harris General Election campaign as Arizona State Director and during the primary, as Biden for President’s California State Director. Mejía has also served in senior roles on several federal, state, and local campaigns. She was born in El Salvador and grew up in San Fernando Valley, California.

Panel Information

Friday, August 4

11:00 AM MDT

Driving Progress: The Indomitable Influence of Latinos in U.S. Economic and Workforce Development

Latinos have long played an integral role in shaping our nation’s economy, innovating across various sectors, and strengthening the fabric of our diverse workforce. From starting small businesses that drive local economies to holding key roles in multinational corporations, Latinos have become synonymous with entrepreneurship and leadership. They've shown resilience and innovation, overcoming challenges and consistently proving to be the backbone of our economic infrastructure.

Latino workers also continue to transform workforce development, carving out new opportunities and opening doors for the next generation of diverse talent. They not only contribute to our economy but also foster inclusive growth, ensuring a vibrant and resilient future for all.

Join us as we celebrate these remarkable accomplishments, delve into the unique experiences of Latino economic empowerment, and explore the ongoing, crucial role of Latinos in the ongoing evolution of America's workforce and economy.

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