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Sara Mora


Sara Mora is an activist and digital storyteller + founder of Population MIC. She is committed to education, language accessibility, the power of storytelling and decentralizing narrative in mainstream media and migrant rights. She won a lawsuit against Trump opposing anti-immigration laws. After publicly sharing her story she began to use the internet as a tool to create community. A DACA recipient herself, she has dedicated her youth to strategizing ways to support her community. For years she worked to build with the force of storytelling, media and human rights to help shift perspective and create action IRL. In community college she formed an alliance between a local NGO and the model UN she founded to foster relationships between students in International Relations and the work of a local migrant rights organization. Shortly after graduating Trump rescinded DACA and she decided to publicly share her story of being undocumented. Leading to the governor of the state inviting her to lead the pledge of allegiance for his inauguration. These moments became critical to her creating statements on her personal profile using her ability to strategize and invite folks online to learn about existing waves of change and resources across america and even the world. Her video creations were personal angle but aimed at talking about what was taking place with immigration across the nation. During COVID being invited as a storyteller for projects such as ADOBE storyteller series and recently for the likings of META: Nuevo Norte which invited 5 latinx creators to talk in the metaverse. She is on the board of Reebok's human rights award and CHISPA board of advisors. Still working as a freelancer to self-fund her work as an activist in media. Instagram @MissSaraMora

Panel Information

FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023

9:00 AM EST

Lasting Impact: Going from a National Conversation to Local Impact

Attendees will debrief on their hill visits and discuss their experiences meeting with members of Congress. They will explore next steps to continue advocacy efforts at the state and local levels as well as develop a plan of action to stay connected with the network they build during the conference.

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