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LULAC Helps to Ensure Latinos Vote on Election Day

November 1, 2016

On November 8th, the presidential election will take place, and to say the least–much is at stake. Never before in the history of presidential politics has a candidate so clearly and aggressively attacked the Latino community. Elections have consequences, and our vote counts.

To help increase voter turn-out in our community, on November 7th from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and on November 8th from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM, LULAC will be co-hosting a bilingual call center at the LULAC National office in Washington, D.C. with the NALEO Educational Fund. LULAC will also host call centers in Orange County and in Sacramento, California. To help LULAC spread the word on social media about the importance of voting, click here to change your profile picture and include a message of support on Facebook and Twitter.

In addition, LULAC councils around the country have been engaged in efforts to raise awareness on the importance of the Latino vote and discuss the impact of voter identification laws on minority communities. On Election Day, the following LULAC councils will be engaged in working at polling locations, phone banking and other efforts to ensure that Latinos vote on Election Day.

LULAC Lorenzo Patiño Council, California
LULAC Council #7233, Florida
LULAC Camela Council #7250, Florida
LULAC Rochelle, Illinois
The Maryland Multicultural Council
LULAC Council #21006, Maryland
LULAC Council #12128, New Jersey
LULAC Council #23059, New York
LULAC Council #4227, Texas
LULAC Greater Houston Council #4967, Texas
LULAC District 15, Texas
LULAC Council #44017/Conexión Comunidad Hispana, Utah
LULAC Council #4609, Virginia
LULAC Council #47013, Washington
LULAC Council #333, Wisconsin
LULAC Council #320, Wisconsin