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LULAC Opposes Congressional Attempts to Expedite Trump's Deportation Force

May 16, 2017

Washington, D.C. – This week in an effort to rush the hiring of additional agents for Trump’s deportation force, Congress will consider H.R. 2213, the Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act. Despite its name, the bill would eliminate the use of the polygraph test for a certain subset of candidates vying to join the Customs and Border Protection (CBP). According to reports, two-thirds of applicants fail the CBP polygraph, and hundreds have admitted to serious criminal activity during the screening process.

In response, LULAC National President Roger C. Rocha, Jr. issued the following statement:

“Polygraph tests are a critical part of hiring requirements for federal law enforcement officers. These tests play an important role in determining whether a candidate is suitable for placement in a law enforcement position. It helps identify individuals who may have a criminal history or may be susceptible to such influences. Continued use of the polygraph exam will help ensure that newly hired Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents have a clean record and a demonstrated suitability for the position. We recognize that CBP agents serve as our first line of defense against drug cartels, human smugglers, and other entities that threaten our national security. As such, there should be no shortcuts in our effort to identify the best qualified people for these positions.”

Congress mandated polygraphs for all CBP applicants in the Anti-Border Corruption Act of 2010. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and the United States Secret Service grant no exceptions for the test in the hiring process. The elimination of the polygraph requirement for a certain subset of candidates would lower current hiring standards and accountability at a time when more oversight is needed.


The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit