
LULAC Statement on Passing of President Jimmy Carter Click here to read

LULAC to President Trump: Protect the Constitution & Provide Humane Border Security

Washington, DC – The League of United Latin American Citizens says it supports the need to protect America’s borders and our citizens but steadfastly urges the Administration not to abandon the values which have made the United States the sole beacon of hope for innocent refugees fleeing violence in Central America.

“The decision by President Trump unilaterally makes sweeping and unprecedented changes to our nation’s refugee and political asylum process,” states Domingo Garcia, National President. “However, in reality these decisions amount to nothing more than royal decrees. He is mistaken if he believes that he has the power to change existing laws. These actions are absolutely illegal and unconstitutional,” adds Garcia.

The Administration announced a new federal rule Thursday which states that aliens who cross the southern border unlawfully, are barred from being eligible to apply for asylum and will instead be sent to ports of entry, where they would be processed “in a controlled, orderly and lawful manner”.

“However, the devil is in the detail,” says Garcia. “The Administration’s new rules choke off to an unacceptably small number those who can lawfully apply for asylum and government officials know very well desperation will drive these men, women and children who have already endured unimaginable horrors and deprivation to do whatever they can to survive because they see no other choice,” he stated.

The plan for the Southern border calls for the introduction of a process called “metering” which will only allow for a certain, yet undisclosed, number of aliens to enter through legal ports based upon space available in facilities to house them. In the past the practice of metering has resulted in people waiting for lengthy periods, often unsheltered and without food, water or medical care until finally crossing illegally and becoming criminal aliens.

“LULAC urges a three-step process for the Administration and the Democratic leadership,” says Garcia. “First, agree to make the work of solving the immediate refugee migration crisis a bipartisan priority. Second, begin fair, open and transparent debate in Congress in January to finally achieve comprehensive immigration reform. Third, Republicans, Democrats and Independents must have the will and courage to come together in crafting a landmark effort similar to the Marshall Plan after World War II. This time to assist the people of Central America in creating their own stable democracies and we must stop supporting corrupt military and irresponsible governments which have plagued their nations. Now is the time to act to help millions of innocent people in those countries but also because it is in our own best interest for the safety and security of the United States,” he concluded.


The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit