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LULAC National President Margaret Moran Released the Following Statement Regarding the Arrest of over 100 Women for Civil Disobedience

September 12, 2013

Contact: Paloma Zuleta, pzuleta at, (202) 812-4477

“On the Capitol steps today more than 100 women, over 20 of which were undocumented, were arrested in an act of civil disobedience. The group was protesting the House's refusal to act on immigration reform.

“We hope that today’s actions by these courageous women, many of whom risked deportation, serve as a reminder to our elected officials that immigration reform is a very critical issue that needs a solution.

“The lack of bipartisan collaboration on this issue is keeping families apart, and keeping mothers from their children.

“The U.S. Senate has passed a bill that was supported by the civil rights community. It’s now time for the House to pass fair and just immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. Unfortunately, instead of collaborating on an issue that would impact 11 million undocumented Americans, the House has provided a number of excuses against passing any measure that would bring a solution to the immigrant community.

“LULAC has worked hard to change this dynamic. This year alone, LULAC has organized over 60 town halls in an effort to organize its vast membership in support of immigration reform. Because of our efforts and the work of our sister organizations some Republican members of the House have announced their support for immigration reform, but far too many remain committed to fight any form of immigration reform.”
