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National LULAC Members Galvanize In Support of Immigration Reform

June 20, 2013

Contact: Paloma Zuleta, 202-833-6130, PZuleta (at) LULAC . org

Las Vegas, NV - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), at its 84th annual National Convention, conducted an immigration reform town hall where members discussed recent developments in the Senate impacting immigration reform legislation.

Today, the “hard trigger” provision supported by Senator Cornyn that 90 percent apprehension be achieved as a precondition for citizenship has been dropped as part of the border security measure.

In an attempt to get more GOP votes, Senators are in negotiations with the Gang of Eight to include a significant increase in border security funding and officers; essentially doubling the current 21,000 agents that currently patrol the border. Conservatives are also pushing for a provision that the fence along the border with Mexico be finished before immigrants can apply for citizenship.

“The GOP has reached a cross fork in their ideology where leadership must decide whether to be the party of immigration reform or the party that essentially signed away the Latino vote and severed ties with the Hispanic community,” said LULAC Executive Director, Brent Wilkes at a press conference today in Las Vegas. His remarks were given at the LULAC Convention which attracts 20,000 attendees, the vast majority of whom can easily trace their roots to other countries.

Nevada’s immigrant population grew 71 percent between 2000 and 2010, and is one of the fastest-growing Hispanic communities in the nation. The profile of immigrants in Nevada is not unlike that of the rest of the nation. According to a report from the University of Nevada Las Vegas’ Center for Democratic Culture, our country will be largely multicultural as the Asian and Latino populations continue to boom. Nevada was historically an open door for immigrants, with 44 percent of residents foreign born according to the 1870 Census.

“Immigrants have always contributed to the fabric of this country and for years we’ve been pressing the point that immigration reform would bring value to the county’s economy,” said LULAC National President, Margaret Moran. “The Hispanic community will not stand idly by and allow 11 million members of our community to remain in the shadows.”

LULAC is entrenched in the future of immigration reform as it will affect 11 million residents and their families that are living in limbo. As the nation’s premier Latino organization, the convention attracts top government, business, labor and community leaders, including Vice President Joe Biden, for a week filled with renowned speakers, important seminars, celebrities and entertainment.

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 900 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit