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Emerge 2023 Registration

March 7th-10th, 2023

LULAC is proud to present the 2023 Emerge Latino Conference from Tuesday, March 7 - Friday, March 10, 2022 in Washington, DC.

Entering its ninth year, the Emerge Latino Conference is a multi-day Latino leadership conference that provides college students and young professionals with public policy briefings on issues that impact the Latino community. Some of the highlights include:

  • Training on civic engagement practices, environmental sustainability, advocacy, program coordination, and job readiness;
  • Policy workshops and trainings on critical legislative issues affecting Latinos living in the U.S. and Puerto Rico;
  • The LULAC Legislative Awards Gala and Awards Ceremony, which recognizes key leaders who have served the Latino community across the country;
  • Meetings with Members of Congress to advocate for key issues;

This year, we are offering full scholarships and partial scholarships to those who qualify. Additionally, this year we are offering scholarships to those who want to volunteer at the Emerge Latino Conference. Both scholarship opportunities close on February 10, 2023.

Registration for in-person is limited and closes February 24th, please make sure to register early!