Friday, April 14, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Registration - – Foyer Ballroom
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
La Bienvenida - Welcome Reception & Remarks - Gold Ballroom **
Emma Lozano, LULAC National Vice President for Women
Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President
Featured Speakers: Caroline Menjivar, California State Senator
Rosalba “Rosie Valdez,
DJ Daysha Destiny DelValle “Dee Dee Goat”
Saturday, April 15, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration - – Gold Ballroom
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Mujeres Líderes Breakfast - Gold Ballroom **
Emma Lozano, LULAC National Vice President for Women
Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President
Karen Bass, Mayor of Los Angeles
Jose Barrera, LULAC California State Director
Keynote Speaker: Honorable Delia Ramirez, Illinois U.S Representative
Sponsor Remarks: Cecily Myart-Cruz, United Teachers Los Angeles President
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
El Poder de Latinas: Business 101 - Roman Room
Latino small businesses are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in the United States. Join us in exploring loan programs, hearing from bank experts, and tips from Latina business owners, to begin your own path! This panel will focus on how to address the lack of financing and loans available, limited knowledge on managing business finances, and how having a business bank account can benefit small businesses.
Moderator: Lydia Guzman, LULAC Far West Commissioner
featured Speakers: Teresa Miranda, Vice President, Prestamos CDFI
Amber Cordoba, Director of Business Education and Consulting Services, Prestamos CDFI
Ruben Barrales, Senior Vice President External Engagement, Wells Fargo & Company
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Latinas in Tech - Corinthian Room
This panel will focus on ways in which Latina’s can be empowered to enter the heavily male dominated space of tech. Specifically focusing on education programs that can provide a path into STEM and offer opportunities for Latina’s to build a network with other women in the field.
Moderator: Caroline Crozier, LULAC National Technology Chair
Sponsor: Dr. Erica Jacquez, Verizon
Nidia Bandstra, Director for Commercial Lines, GEICO
Nina Valedon, PR Senado, El Capitolio
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Gender Disparities in Health and Healthcare - Roman Room
Gender differences in health and the use of health services are a long-standing concern for the U.S. medical system. This conversation will offer a glimpse into resources, options, and solutions on ways women can take control of their health today and advocate for access to equitable health care. We will consider both the scientific bases of specific diseases affecting Latinas and the social, cultural, economic and environmental factors that increase risk and limit access to therapy. As well discuss the barriers that Latinos face when seeking mental health care, whether it be language barriers, stigma behind mental illness, one’s legal status, etc.
Moderator: Lupe Torres, LULAC National VP for the Southwest
featured Speakers: Liz Mahar, Director, Advocacy and Strategic Alliances, PHARMA
Dr. Silvia Ortiz, MSW, LCSW
Tanya Jean Lozano, CEO, Healthy Hood Chicago CA Speaker
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Women Belong Where Decisions are Made - Corinthian Room
Join us to explore concepts of gender, politics, and power, and related concepts such as intersectionality, patriarchy, sexism, and stereotypes. We turn our attention to two arenas in which gender and politics interact in the US: social and political movements and women as political actors. Examine how women negotiate movements and how gender shapes structure, tactics, and outcomes for both women’s movements (e.g., suffrage, feminist, conservative, #metoo) and other movements (such as the Progressive and civil rights movements).
Moderator: Hon. Lourdes Galvan, LULAC Immediate Past National VP for Women
featured Speakers: Marisa Bono, J.D. CEO, Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Hon. Rosie Speedling Gonzalez, Judge Bexar County
Tomas Duran, CA President, Chicanos por la Causa (CPLC)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Mujeres Líderes Luncheon - Gold Ballroom **
Emma Lozano, LULAC National VP for Women
Gloria Leal, LULAC Legal Advisor
Keynote Speakers:
Chiquis Rivera, American Singer and Television Personality
Dr. Elba Garcia, First Lady of LULAC, Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
Closing Remarks:
Speakers: Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President
Rafaela Schwan, LULAC Interim COO
3:00 PM
Silent Auction
Note: ** Ticketed Event